It's been an exciting 2014 for HNDP - thank you all for being part of our movement towards helping us fulfill our vision.
We decided to do one last event this year before it was over, a holiday fundraiser and get together to thank our supporters with a celebration by Irene Diaz.
If you missed out... do not fear... it was probably just your last chance to see her before she's a super mega-star :P. Also, we filmed it, please enjoy:
We first met Irene in 2011. HNDP was hosting an evening of poetry with Mujerez De Maiz at Self Help Graphics and Art in East LA, where Irene and Andrea Zuniga performed together. Soon after Irene came back to HNDP with questions about how to build her own website and where to go next with her music career. She's since been on a whirlwind of success, and one of LA's most demanded up and coming artists.
Thank you to all of our supporters, friends, family and HNDP crew! We can't wait to show you what we have in store for 2015 goin' HNDP:
- Open Mics
- Showcases
- Mobile music classroom
- Music placement in TV / Film
- Live streaming broadcasts from HNDP meet-ups
- Workshops
- Online classes
.... and more!
HNDPLA Recaps by HNDP LA BLOG TEAM. Photographs by HNDP LA.